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Submit Income/Expense and Limited Common Element Surveys

It is the responsibility of the Pinellas County Property Appraiser’s Office to annually determine the market value of all property in the county. In order to achieve the greatest possible accuracy in the valuation of income producing properties, this office annually conducts an income and expense survey.

To ensure accurate and fair assessment of income-producing properties at market value as of January 1, we ask owners of these properties to share financial information with us. This information will be analyzed for the identification of market conditions for the year 2021, and will be used to develop typical appraisal parameters and valuation models for your property type.

For your convenience, PDF surveys have been created for many different property types. Please submit the survey and a year-end 2021 Income and Expense Statement, Rent Roll, and/or other pertinent Operating Statements. 

The requested information may be submitted year-round, however should be received by May 1, 2022 to be considered in the 2022 valuation. If you purchased this property during the last 12 months, please submit information for the period of your ownership, and reference the dates with which your data applies. 

All financial records provided in response to this request are held by the Property Appraiser’s Office as confidential, pursuant to Section 195.027 (3), Florida Statutes and are exempt from the provisions of Section 119.07 (1), Florida Statutes (public records law).