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Dispute My Property Value / File a VAB Petition

If you disagree with your property value, we would like the opportunity to discuss it with you!

If you believe your proposed value is higher or lower than market value as of January 1st, we encourage you to speak to your area appraiser. Our goal is to ensure that your property is appraised equitably and accurately, and we are happy to speak with you about your value.

If, after speaking with us about your property value or exemption status, you are still dissatisfied, you may challenge your value or exemption status by filing a petition with the Value Adjustment Board (VAB).

The Board Records Department of the Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller has been designated to serve as the Clerk to the VAB and all processes related to VAB are administered by this department.

Petitions are easily filed online at for a nominal fee. There is no filing fee for applicants who have been denied a homestead exemption application, unless the denial is for a late file.

The VAB appoints Special Magistrates who are independent of the Property Appraiser’s office. Like you, we are simply a party before the VAB. Following the hearing, the Special Magistrate will decide based on the evidence presented by both sides and make a recommendation to the VAB.